カスク番号. 1.183

謎! A vibrant enigma!

  • アルコール度数 49.8
  • 熟成年数 48 年
  • 蒸溜年 1965/07
  • カスク Refill Hogshead
  • ボトリング数 127 本
  • 地域 Speyside
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※緊急入荷品のため、テイスティングコメントの日本語訳はございません。 The nose neat had all the hallmarks of a gracefully matured rich dram. Figs, raisins and sultanas soaked in VORS Amontillado Sherry, walnuts, Seville oranges and a French polished antique oak sea chest. At the same time a surprising intensity and vitality like that of an ancient Brandy de Jerez drawn straight from the ‘sacristy’ of a bodegas. The taste was a revelation, powerful and vibrant; Greek Tragana black cherries immersed in kirsch, Grand Marnier, dark chocolate and freshly squeezed blood orange juice. Even with the slightest drop of water spicy aromas appear like mulled wine, and the taste now revealed the tannins and bitterness of heavily stewed black tea. The nose neat had all the hallmarks of a gracefully matured rich dram. Figs, raisins and sultanas soaked in VORS Amontillado Sherry, walnuts, Seville oranges and a French polished antique oak sea chest. At the same time a surprising intensity and vitality like that of an ancient Brandy de Jerez drawn straight from the ‘sacristy’ of a bodegas. The taste was a revelation, powerful and vibrant; Greek Tragana black cherries immersed in kirsch, Grand Marnier, dark chocolate and freshly squeezed blood orange juice. Even with the slightest drop of water spicy aromas appear like mulled wine, and the taste now revealed the tannins and bitterness of heavily stewed black tea.


