カスク番号. 1.186

ルクセンブルグ公園を散策する A stroll in the Luxembourg Gardens

  • アルコール度数 57
  • 熟成年数 12 年
  • 蒸溜年 2002/06
  • カスク 1st Fill Barrel
  • ボトリング数 235 本
  • 地域 Speyside
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緊急入荷商品につき、テイスティングコメントの日本語訳及び日本支部のコメントはありません。 A mellow nose with apple pie and artificial fruity sweets called ‘Midget Gems’; a warm day in May, with mimosa, grass clippings and nectarines, pine sap, peppermint, menthol and gooseberry yoghurt. The taste matches the first nose: warm apple pie (dusted with cinnamon) with boiled sweets and berry muesli. More scented with water – lime blossom, Nivea cream, ‘a lady’s make-up bag’, 7-Up lemonade and later some choux pastry. Now the taste is of sugared almonds and ginger-nuts, white chocolate and chilli pepper, with a dry finish. Unexpected. A mellow nose with apple pie and artificial fruity sweets called ‘Midget Gems’; a warm day in May, with mimosa, grass clippings and nectarines, pine sap, peppermint, menthol and gooseberry yoghurt. The taste matches the first nose: warm apple pie (dusted with cinnamon) with boiled sweets and berry muesli. More scented with water – lime blossom, Nivea cream, ‘a lady’s make-up bag’, 7-Up lemonade and later some choux pastry. Now the taste is of sugared almonds and ginger-nuts, white chocolate and chilli pepper, with a dry finish. Unexpected.


