[パレット] 粘性のあるチェリーコーラとピンクウエハースのビスケットの味わいがターメリックとレモングラスの味わいと金柑とライムのピクルスの酸味によってバランスが取れている。岩塩とグラブラックス(スカンジナビアの魚料理)の組み合わせで海の雰囲気が戻り、温かいバターと胡椒がフィニッシュをもたらす。
Mineralic sea air came laden with the sweet smell of vanilla ice cream cones and cinnamon on seaweed. Coal dust and soot sprinkled down onto a sandy beach as driftwood and the frayed remnants of ship's rope washed up on the shore. The sweet fragrance of hibiscus flowers drifted into earl grey tea and spicy sandalwood like a lucid dream whilst a whiff of the medicinal delivered tea tree oil and salted blackcurrants. Sticky cherry cola and pink wafer biscuits became balanced by the tartness of cumquats and lime pickle with a suggestion of turmeric and lemongrass. A combination of salty rocks and gravlax returned us to a maritime mood as the finish wrapped our senses with warm butter and pepper.