チクチクとした香りの後に石炭のかけら、炭置き場、煎ったピーナツ、天日干ししたボール紙が現れる。そのあと再び海岸の香り。乾いた砂利の浜辺、ウッドデッキの埠頭、古くなったクレオソート油 ―わかるかい?
Some prickle, then coal dust, coal cellar, foostie; roasted peanuts and sun-dried cardboard, then back to maritime notes: dry pebble beach, wooden pier, faded creosote – you get the idea?
At natural strength the panel noted: brown paper towels, ‘cleansing antiseptic (Savlon)’, a hint of cloves; with ‘end of barbeque’ and ‘bandages’ in the finish.
With water the aroma becomes drier: more lint bandages, dry shellfish shells, ‘a bowl of mussels’, tarry rope, rock pools. Now the texture is smooth and soft; dusty and cooling, with a sweetish start, a salty middle and a spicy/smoky finish.