5年間bourbon hogsheadで熟成した後、2nd fill heavy toast medium char hogsheadへ移し替え。
At first we noted mixed dried herbs along with new leather shoes, then fresh savoury breads and pastries. Beyond than some orange oils, heather sprigs, sweet hay and hoppy new world ales. Freshness and light galore! With water it became a little firmer and more medical with wintergreen, cloves, hessian and eucalyptus bark. In the mouth we found youthful Calvados notes, hints of coconut rum, vanilla pods, polished hardwoods and lanolin. Water brought it more towards pineapple tart, lemon syllabub, chocolate limes and honey-drenched porridge. After five years in a bourbon hogshead, we transferred this whisky into a 2nd fill heavy toast medium char hogshead for the remainder of its maturation.