[パレット]完璧な食前酒、ビターでドライなゼントニーク(スーズとリンドウのリキュールで作るカクテル)ー美味しい! 加水するとトーストしたシナモンベーグル、ゴールデンシロップとローストしたばかりのコーヒー豆、一方でチョコレートキャラメルクラッカーと糖蜜、シナモンとココアの味わいを感じる。
The aroma neat lead to a variety of associations starting from resin dripping from an almond tree, over stuffed vine leaves with tzatziki (yoghurt sauce mixed with garlic, salt, olive oil, lemon juice and a variety of herbs like dill, mint and parsley) to a smoothie from frozen blackcurrants. The perfect aperitif neat with that bitter dryness of a cocktail called Gen’tonique, mixing Suze (bittersweet herbal gentian), Byrrh and tonic water – ‘mouth-salivating!’ Water added toasted cinnamon bagels, golden syrup and freshly roasted coffee beans whilst on the palate chocolate caramel crackers with plenty of molasses, cinnamon and cocoa.