2nd fill Sauternes Hogshead
加水すると、シナモン風味のロースト・パイナップルとシンダートフィー、そして果てしないフィニッシュはホイップクリームとラズベリーを添えたバローロ・キナート風味のダークチョコレートケーキだった − 純粋な耽溺。
2nd fill Sauternes Hogshead
This one made its presence known straight away. A rich and flavourful punch like dark thick cut Seville orange marmalade on spongy crumpets and black currant jam sweetened with honey on buttered burnt toast. The taste was that of seared duck breast with red wine and orange sauce.
With water; cinnamon roasted pineapples and cinder toffee and the never ending finish was a dark chocolate cake flavoured with Barolo Chinato and served with whipped cream and raspberries – pure indulgence.
After 24 years in an ex-bourbon refill hogshead, we transferred this whisky directly into a Sauternes cask for the remainder of its maturation.picy/smoky finish.