これはグラスの中の妖精のようだった − 芳香を放つクリーンな煙と使い込まれた木製パイプラックから陽射しで乾ききった干し草とヒースに至り、茎と砂糖漬け生姜に移行して、焼いた帆立貝で終わる。私たちはやっと妖精を外に出し、ひとくちすすった − それは十分にまろやかな、きらびやかで香り高い一陣の煙だった。最初は甘く、フローラルだが、それから塩キャラメルがやってきて、フィニッシュには愉快なドライさ。
This was like a genie in a glass, from clean perfumed smoke and a well-used wooden pipe rack to sun scorched hay and heather, moving on to stem and crystallised ginger and finishing with seared scallops. We finally let the genie out and had a sip – it was a puff of glittering, well rounded, perfumed smoke. Sweet and floral at first, but then salted caramel arrived and in the finish, a pleasant dryness.
With water, crunchy ginger and coffee iced biscuits as well as almond slices and the taste of lavender honey on burnt toast making this a very relaxed laid back experience.