カスク番号. 9.87

セーヌ川のほとり The Banks of the Seine

  • アルコール度数 61.1
  • 熟成年数 10 年
  • 蒸溜年 2003/06
  • カスク 1st Fill Barrel
  • ボトリング数 194 本
  • 地域 Speyside
戻る 商品説明


The descriptors for the nose neat came thick and fast; floral fabric softener, lemon peel, green apples, pink grapefruit, caramel apple turnover, ham puff pastry pie, blackboard chalk and eucalyptus. It felt like standing too close to a Pointillism Impressionist's oil painting. In the taste we stepped back and enjoyed the masterpiece; hot candle wax, fizzy lemon sherbet, juicy red apples and the dryness of old fashioned bitter lemonade. Water released fresh grassy aromas soon followed by coconut, almonds and banoffee pie. The taste is now much sweeter, pineapple cubes, chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream and subtle tannins of black rose tea in the finish. The descriptors for the nose neat came thick and fast; floral fabric softener, lemon peel, green apples, pink grapefruit, caramel apple turnover, ham puff pastry pie, blackboard chalk and eucalyptus. It felt like standing too close to a Pointillism Impressionist's oil painting. In the taste we stepped back and enjoyed the masterpiece; hot candle wax, fizzy lemon sherbet, juicy red apples and the dryness of old fashioned bitter lemonade. Water released fresh grassy aromas soon followed by coconut, almonds and banoffee pie. The taste is now much sweeter, pineapple cubes, chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream and subtle tannins of black rose tea in the finish.


