[パレット]味わいはクローブ、八角、そしてオールスパイスの実、グリューワイン。僅かに薬品香とドライなタンニンも。加水すると、バーボンバニラカスタードソースがけの胡桃のガレットのアロマ。クローブキャラメルムースと、松葉、茶葉。Ex-bourbon barrelで11年熟成の後、粗くトーストした2nd fill French oak barriqueで後熟。
A fruity medley of prunes, apricots, peaches and pears sweetened with muscovado sugar and deliciously warm cognac spiced with a little cinnamon. On the palate neat warm spices (cloves, star anise and allspice berries), like a steaming hot mulled wine but with a slightly medicinal, dry tannic finish. When we added a drop of water the aroma was that of walnut galette with Bourbon-vanilla custard sauce. To taste now like clove caramel mousse as well as a cup of pine needle and persimmon tree leaves tea. After eleven years in an ex-bourbon barrel we transferred this whisky into a 2nd fill coarse grain toasted French oak barrique.