[ノーズ] とてもクリーンな香り。例えればマイクロファイバーのグラス拭き・セーム皮・わずかにベビーオイルとレモンの香りがする靴磨きや自家製の家具磨き剤。
[パレット] ニートではシナモン・クローブ・スターアニス・コリアンダー・キャラウェイシードの効いたセヴィージャのオレンジマーマレード。
A very clean nose greeted the Panel and associations were voiced accordingly, such as a microfiber glass cloth, chamois leather, shoe shine as well as homemade wood furniture polish using only baby oil and lemon extract. The taste neat reminded us of spiced Seville orange marmalade with cinnamon, cloves, star anise, coriander and caraway seeds. Water changed the aromas completely and we all stepped into a bakery where hot cross buns, cinnamon swirls and apricot Danish were joined by a tasty sweet creamy strawberry dessert, toffee apples, a banana honey and cinnamon smoothie and to finish a traditional crêpe suzette.